H07VU cable is a kind of European standard. Among them, 07 represents the voltage is 450v/750v, and it has the same voltage with h07b-r cable and h07 v-k cable. Meanwhile, they all belongs to electrical wire. V means pvc insulation. Because it is a single core, so there is no jacket. We often use it in the electrical appliances, instrumentation equipment insides and housing decoration. You can call it cable h07vu or h07v u cable. Some people may call it ho7v u cable, because the letter o is similar with number. You can also call it cable ho7vu. When you search any of these names, you will get the h07v u cable list. Huadong Cable Group is professional h07v u cable factory in China, and we have over 30 years of export experience. If you want to get ho7v-u cable, you can click here now, and we will give you a low cable h07vu price. sales@hdcelectricalwire.com
What’s the structure of h07vu cable (free sample)?

As the same series with h07v-k and h07v-r, the structure of ho7v-u cable is also very simple. From the outlook, we can know the cable h07v-u is a single core cable. The conductor is solid copper wire, which is class 1 conductor. Then it has the pvc insulation. Because it is a single core cable, it doesn’t have the jacket. Such simple structure will help you buy right cable ho7vu cable, because you won’t consider many things like other cables. If you want to get cheap h07v u cable, here you are.
Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.
How to get the high-quality h07v u cable with low price?
When you get the cable, whatever it is expensive or cheap, you may worry about if it worth the price. You can check from these aspects.

The first is the length. It is a normal way to cheat customer. You may focus on the quality of cable h07v-u, but you will ignore the length. For example, the package of ho7v u cable is usually 100m, 300m or other length. When you see the package, it mark 100m. Some dishonest seller may mark more in the middle, then you can identify. How to deal with this situation? You can weight them. In general, there is a basic weight of a package of cable h07vu cable, you can have a estimation. We can accept your testing, and third party testing. You can send the inquiry now. Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.

The second is the radius of copper conductor. As we all know, ho7v-u cable is a solid copper wire, so the radius is certain. When you check before acceptance, you can check the radius. In general, they will have the measure tool, you can use it. You can click here to get the free sample here. Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.
The third is the quality of copper. Copper as the conductor of cable h07vu, its quality is very important. Real good copper is bright and have a little red color, and it is flexible. If it is contrast, you can judge the quality of copper is not so well. Some bad cable ho7vu manufacturers use the copper clad aluminum. This is prohibition. So when you buy h07v u cable, the most important thing is attention, attention and attention.
How to use ho7v u cable safely?
After getting high-quality cable h07vu, you should install according to the regulation. If there is dangerous thing, that must be getting fire. The main reasons mainly are overload current, short circuit, too large contact resistance, insulation damage and overheat. If you know why does have these performances, you can avoid them. Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.
Overload current is the current of cable ho7vu is higher than the rated value. When it happens, it will cause the temperature of h07v u cable get higher. In this condition, if there are some flammable things, it will cause fire. So you should choose suitable h07v-u cable. Here it is.

In the investigation of the fire, there is an important reason. That is the conductor. We have talked the ho7v-u cable use the copper as the conductor, but some electrical lines ends are aluminum. They even directly connect aluminum with copper. After a long-term explosion in the air, the aluminum and copper will get electrical corrosion. The transfer joint will loose and then the contact resistance will become bigger. It will cause the partial high temperature and finally cause fire. Our cable h07vu is with copper conductor, and we also advice don’t use the aluminum in the end. Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.

There is another thing you should pay attention. You should keep the cable ho7vu away from the fire. Such as electrical wielding, lamp, alcohol furnace, electric stove and so on. All may get the h07v u heater should be prohibited.
Above all information, you should pay attention. All the care if for our safety, and I hope you will have a good life. What we can do is prove you the low h07v-u cable price, here it is. Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.
Why choose Huadong Cable Group?

Maybe we don’t know each other, but I think we will become a partner in the future. As for ho7vu cable, we are professional, and we are looking forward your coming. Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.

We have keeping cooperation relationship, and we accept many customers from all over the world. We are looking forward to our cooperation. You can send the inquiry now, we will reply as soon as possible. Email: sales@hdcelectricalwire.com.